
Survivor V:
Resilience and Leadership - $1,235
July 18 - 23, 2021
Ages 10-17

Survivor II

Survivor III

Survivor IV

We are now accepting new registrations for the above Survivor Camps as well as the following sessions:

Space and Fantasy

Splash Down

Drama Camp

Teen Academy

Survivor V Components:

o   Learn the qualities and challenges of being a leader

o   Take a leadership role on a 2-day Pacific Crest Trail hike

o   Investigate the causes and consequences of climate change


  • Shelters - Campers will learn how to build and live out of shelters for the duration of the session. They will set up camp in multiple locations for different nights.

  • Food - Campers will learn how to cook their own food with the assistance of staff members.

  • Hiking - Campers will go on multiple hikes, including on a section of the Pacific Crest Trail.

  • T-Shirt - Campers will receive their very own Camp Nawakwa T-shirt, which they are able to take home as a keepsake of their experience!

  • Camp Photo - Campers will go home with a physical copy of the group photo that we take every session.

Click here to view a tentative Survivor V schedule!